Aug 19, 2024 | Estate Planning, Probate
Before my brother passed away, he told me I was the Executor in his Will. What do I do now? We’re sorry for your loss. As the Executor of your brother’s Estate, you have several responsibilities to ensure his affairs are settled according to the law and his...
Oct 10, 2023 | Estate Planning, Probate
There are five sets of death taxes that are relevant for Maryland residents: First, there is Final Personal Income Tax (Federal and Maryland), which refer to the income taxes that the deceased person would have had to pay in the year they died. This is something that...
Aug 29, 2023 | Estate Planning, Probate
One of the most common misconceptions we hear from potential clients is that a Last Will and Testament will avoid the Probate process. It will not! Setting up a Will can have several important benefits. For instance, when you die, it will be known who will be in...
Aug 15, 2023 | Estate Planning, Probate
When we discuss the benefits of Revocable Living Trusts with our potential clients, some tell us that they own everything jointly with their spouse, so there is no urgency. They assume a Trust will be useful only once one spouse passes away, so they want to wait to...
Apr 13, 2023 | Estate Planning, Probate
My 68-year-old father unexpectedly passed away in 2022. Despite my efforts to encourage my parents to create Last Wills and Testaments and Revocable Living Trusts, they had not done so because, well, they were not wealthy and were not planning on dying yet. My mother,...
Nov 4, 2022 | Estate Planning, Probate
A few years ago, a couple came to our office to prepare an Estate Planning package. Let’s call them Bob and Suzie. Although Attorney Clark strongly advised them to set up Revocable Living Trusts, Bob and Suzie elected to go for a simple Will package, nominating each...